If you are trying to contact our office about getting a medication refill please do the following before contacting our office:
- Please contact your pharmacy and ask for a prescription refill request. The pharmacy must send that to our office before we are able to refill any medication.
- If you have not been seen within the last 6 months for a follow up and you are requesting a prescription refill, expect your request to be DENIED. Dr. Conner requires that you are being seen regularly and will not fill a prescription that he does not deem to be beneficial for you. Please schedule an appointment before requesting a refill if you have not been seen in over 6 months.
- If you have already requested a prescription refill, please wait 3 business days/72 hours before calling the office again. This means that you MUST be on top of your own medication schedule. If you call on Friday because you are out of medication, expect that you will not have it filled until the following Wednesday, the soonest. It is not the responsibility of Dr. Conner to keep up with your medication.